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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hey Everyone!

So I have a new video up of my Works In Progress. I am doin fine I have just been busy lately. I have been collecting spacemarines and now movin backk to my new warriors of chaos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq5yDCcBwYQ

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dusting Off The Keyboard

So it been about 2 months since I last updated and I am not ashamed. Since then I received all of my Warriors of Chaos Stuff (Except Crom The Conquerer). Thats going well. I still have to assemble most of it but I also have been collecting IG for the past few months. I also joined the ammobunker forums and started a vlog on miniwargaming.com/

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Blood Thirsty Weekly Update

I pray to the Bloob God1 Khorne Guide me*. So I ordered the Chaos Lord on Manticore, and Crom the Conquerer for my new Warriors of Chaos army. It really sucks that I have to wait for the *NEW* hard cover full color Warriors of Chaos book to be released.....EVENTUALLY. I have been practicing my techniques and maybe later I will Upload a picture of a shield which looks very Chaotic! Keep on keepin on you empire lovin NON-heretics!

Friday, July 1, 2011


Sorry for my absence but I have 1 week off and all I have been doing is playing xbox and staying up all night. I did paint 3 chaos shields and now have seriously switched my fantasy army to warriors of chaos. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Das Weekly Update!!!

So this week is starting off ok. My finals end Wednsday and then summer vacation starts.

-My first order of buisness this week is painting/finishing my Space Marine Chaplain in Terminator Armor.

-Second order of buisness is the "Summer Painting Contest" entry start. I am gonna have a painter I know, help me assemble this epic display project that contains a total of 5-6 minis. I will reveal the race Im painting later this week but I will give you one hint. "Imma get 'um boss". Its a Dead Give away.

- Thirdly and finally, Im gonna be hopefully building terrain for my local gaming store this weekend.

I won Mithril Silver!

So do you guys rmember that contest I talked about like a month ago...well it ended this past weekend and I got second place with my "Devastator Sergent". YEAH! I will be uploading a few pics later this week.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Vanguard Assault Squad

After deciding to paint my Assault Squad in the same colors as blood Angels, I decided one more thing. At my disposale I have an entire box of chaos bitz(FANTASY). So I looked threw the arms and found a bunch of Chaos knight bitz. Mostly consisting of Arms with lances and what not. So I began  converting my Blood Angels assault squad into a Vanguard Assault Squad that is all Power weapons. They also are in dedication to the little bastards(Sanguinary Guard). They are going to be a tribute unit in my UltraMarine army. Pictures of them up soon. P.S.  some advice- when puttin SpaceMarine shoulders on the Chaos arms. Take clipers and shave the sholeers of the arm a bit. (Or the actual part that connects to the model. Flatten that instead)

Im Just a Fanatic

So..if you were ever wondering what a crazed lunatic hopped up on shrooms would do in a Warhammer Fantasy game..the  wait is over. I just bought a box of Fanatics and I have to say, they look like they are gonna be very fun to paint. I will be posting an unboxing video later this week.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekly Update

So hopefully this week I will finally finish my Dwarf Lord you all have been reading me complain about. Cant wait any longer. I have two weeks to complete him.

Then after my Dwarf maybe I will paint some Space Marines. Im gonna attempt to paint the Tact squads first.

Basing is gonna be a big part of my exspereince this week. I need more followers so if you read this please send to friends.

Have a good week guys...and keep on painting...please...for the mperors sake :(

In Memory Of...

Next Monday is the 67th anniversary of D-Day. So in honor of the fallen soldiers who liberated the ungrateful country of France, I will be up-loading one picture a day. As a huge WWII history buff, it is an important day for me. So exspect to see alot of cool pictures up. Especially of things you never see me actually painting. Have a good one.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekly Update

So starting today I am going to be posting a once a week overview of my plans and projects on this page.

 Last week I purchased a squad of Tau Fire warriors, an HQ  and a crisis suite. They were all badly painted by my friend so I decided on trying to remedy that. Right now I am almost done with my first Fire warrior.

I also Started painting my Dwarf Lord on Oath Stone. He is coming aloong good. Pictures up soon.

My space marines had a lttile time put in on them last week so I was able to paint one of them to completian. Pictures soon.(i hhope)

Tau: First game with em

Last week I played a game of 40k with an army I had only previously killed in battle. The Tau, they are a fun and powerful race to play.(if you know what ur doing, i dont) It was an objective game that had 3 cpature and hold objectives. I copied an idea i saw while watching Miniwargamer on youtube, where you gain a point for every objective you hold at the end of each turn. I only did this because I was playing against space marines who had a dreadnought and terminators. So being Tau I easily tok the objectives quickly.(thanks to my 5 troops on the field) They sat and camped the objectives and shot any power armor in crusted space marine stubborn enough to wonder near. After shooting the face off of  4 marines i charged in with my HQ and assaulted the living warp out of the tacical squad. Mean while my single crisis siute sat and distracted the terminators. My largest squad of fire warriors poked their heads out of cover long enough to rapid fire 24 pulse rifle shots into the steel wall that are space marines. They were aiming on killing the 10 tactical marines camping an objective. They succeded in killing 3 on first shooting phase. This whole back and forth thing whent on for another hour and a half until I finally won by wiping out all of the spacemarine troops on the field. I won 5-4.

Im Feelin Blue as of late.

I finally....Finally!!!! learned how to paint space marines!!!! Pictures of my sergent up soon :).

Monday, May 9, 2011


So FINALLY! I recieved my Dwarf Lord on Oath Stone. Its time to slap it with a coat (or 2) of paint!!!!!YEAH!!!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Me Spidey Senses Are A' Tingling!

I will embark on a great crusade! It is to paint all 10 of my Forest Goblin Spider Riders. I am almost done with my first one. Its gonna be along night. The Spiders are red and their legs fade from black at the tip all the way to Blood Red. And my Spider Boss will be mounted on a black widow!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Who Does You Fink You Are?

So I kinda jumped the gun with that last post. I have officially decided on the Dwarf Lord on Oath Stone. I also jumped the gun by creating him a base ahead of time...pictures will be up very very soon.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Entering The Dungeon

I have decided to challenge myself by enetering into a painting contest at my local hobby store. I had my eyes on a Dwarven Standard Bearer from GW.. wish me luck.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I Pray For The Blood God!

This is a champion of khorne that iam painting. I am learning the fading and blending technique using Mechrite Red Blood Red and Scorched brown.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


So last night I began painting my step fathers Chaos Hounds.....THEY ARE REDICULOUSLY FUN TO PAINT!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Finally Its Fantasy

I play Fantasy Ocs and Goblins and for some reason I am NEVER motivated to paint em'. Finally I have painted 12 orcs after 6 months of sitting on my shelf. Pictures wil be up soon.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Starter set

So this past weekend my cusin turned ten, and he loves to paint warhammer minis but has none of his own and has no paints. So I am thinking of buying him a starter set to get him well...STARTED. Thaughts?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Chopper Blades

So I bought The Assault On Black Reach box set a few months ago. I only purchased it because of the space marines but now i have 29 Ork Miniatures. So I decided to paint a few and I have tried painting one ork from every unit type. The only thing left to try is a Deff Kopta. Any tips for painting would be appreciated.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I will be Back!

So its been a long week.I taught a 9yr old how to play 40k,and he absolutely loved it. I also started painting a nob, hopefully I will be returning to my painting this weekend. Painting helps me relax and unwind after a long day. How about u guys?

Thursday, April 7, 2011


This Is a group e-mail that will be sending you pictures and GamesWorkShop updates! Enjoy!

Marines In Space?

So I mentioned earlier in this blog that I play Space Marines..and I am completely clueless when it comes to painting them. Someone needs to help me wether it be pictures or in person(North Jersey only!). I have problems finding highlights for my Imperial Fists color scheme. I use Sunburst and Golden Yellow, but the Golden Yellow seems to be a color that looks better if it was a base coat but it does not cover well. TIPS.ADVICE.help?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Basing Flocking WHAT EVER!

It has come to my attention that Basing your models well is as respected as painting them...I have no idea how to base them. Can someone please post a picture on Facebook(The Imperial Paint Job) of  their models fully based so I can get an idea how to do it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

FACEBOOK = connected


Ork Nob That Is a work In process

Paint and Chat

This blog is for talking about and discussing Modeling Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k. As well as the painting skill that goes into them. 1 picture is already up. Feel free to comment and give tps on my work for future reference. I dont play 40k orks I play Space Marine and I have absolutely no idea how to pant em'. SOMEONE HELP!!!

Work In progress